Sunday, February 23, 2020

Developing Positive Assertiveness Research Paper

Developing Positive Assertiveness - Research Paper Example It has been seen that usually the behavior of the people fits within one of the four models that are considered the very basic. These comprise of the passive, the aggressive, the indirectly aggressive and the assertive behaviors. This paper will take a deep look at the explanations and proper examples of both assertive and aggressive behaviors. Since assertive behavior is one of the clearest forms of communication, anger is usually portrayed within it. It communicates the interaction in very clear cut terms. Strong feelings are usually represented through this form of behavior. It takes into perspective the feelings and emotions of others undoubtedly (Wild, 2011). It has been known that acting in an assertive manner indeed builds upon the premise of one’s self esteem as well as the self esteem of other individuals. What it does best is to allow people to take charge of their own lives and be more responsible about what they do and what they say. It is like making life work for one’s own self, which indeed is an essential ideology that comes attached with assertive behavior. It does not dig deep into being a victim of one’s circumstances and situations that is always the case rather it focuses more on taking charge of one’s own entirety. ... It just comes naturally with the advent of time, however much training is indeed required. Merely being assertive does not really manifest in essence. What is needed is how well one overcomes the blocks that are present within the realms of the assertive behavior. This is apparent through the numerous blocks that are there within the lives of the people and which are learned through practice (Lloyd, 2002). An example could be quoted here of the nuances which create problems in the wake of learning how to demonstrate assertive behavior. One such block which hinders the smooth flow of assertive behavior is lack of self confidence, which can create serious problems for the people at large. At times, it is usually very difficult to change such patterns which have existed with an individual for so long, and hence it becomes a norm that is difficult to get rid of. If such blocks are removed, learning is all the same and hence success would be achieved within the ranks of showing assertive behavior. Moving on to aggressive behavior, it is indeed one of the most violent behaviors that mankind has ever known. It can often lead to physical behavior which is the most heinous form of aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior takes into perspective yelling, abuses, physical violence and extreme levels of anger (Emmett, 2011). It could mean to hurt the other person as well as the one who commits to such a behavior in the first place. People usually see aggressive behavior as the one that restrains contact with the individual who is getting into its act for a certain period of time. In other words, the aggressive individual who is showing such a streak would be left high and dry for some time so that

Friday, February 7, 2020

Recycled Aggregates lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Recycled Aggregates - Lab Report Example This may happen at normal temperatures. The artificial and natural pozzolan material is used as supplementary materials of cementations. In any cases, the artificial pozzolan could be made in a deliberate manner through the thermal activation of the clays kaolin to give the metalaolin. In other cases, the material can be obtained as a byproduct from the processes of high temperature like the fly ashes given out by the production of the coal fire electricity. The industrial by-products like the metakaolin, burned residues of organic matter like rice husk, fly ash, and fume silica obtained from smelting of silicon are commonly used pozzolans. The use of these pozzalans is reported to be well established in different countries (Smith 15). Supplying high quality by products of pozzolan has limitation since many local sources have been fully exploited. Different alternatives to the pozzolanic by product should be realized to expand the range of the byproducts of the industry and to increa se the usage of the pozzolans. In some locations, the natural pozzolan may be found in abundance. This material is used as a Portland cement addition in countries like Germany. A significant portion of the natural pozzolan used in many countries has a volcanic origin. The pumices, volcanic ashes, are mostly used since they are deposits having altered volcanic glass. The volcanic glass is changed to zeolites through interacting with alkaline liquid like water. The sedimentary deposits are not common. On the other hand, the recycled aggregates are reused construction or industrial by-products, which were once considered as wastes or rather damped. The aggregates are obtained from the material processing that was previously used in the construction. The material is produced through screening, and crushing the previously used concrete structures and concrete. In other cases, the asphalt may be crushed to obtain the aggregate. In many cases, the reclaimed aggregates may be